Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Is Google App Engine really worth?

Had we been asked this question few years back, atleast someone would have thought before answering. But with the trend today, "why not give it a try??" would be the answer.

The cloud computing has picked up drastically and people are ready to immediately try any open source and free software. And from google, definetly give it a try.

Google App Engine is 100% developed in Python and requires you too develop applications in Python, at present. But Google is working on J2EE too as a technology to develop and deploy applications in App Engine.

Being a Java guy, I made my hands dirty with Python to get myself started with Google App Engine and I found the quick drive to be interesting. Python is an interesting and exiciting language to work with. It is also pretty easy to develop and deploy applications (running applications) in Google App Engine. 

Having a bit of knowledge in MDA (Model Driven Architecture), I also assembled a quick code generation piece for Google App Engine and enjoyed myself.

Give it a try, you will also find it interesting....

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